Get Sh*t Done!
If you need inspiration for automating your everyday tasks, look no further! We’ve created a list of everything Documint-ers are creating to save time and money and get their lives back. We’ll keep adding to this list, so check back to see what getting sh** done looks like anytime you need a swift kick.

- Promissory Note – A promissory note is a financial instrument that contains a written promise by one party (the note's issuer or maker) to pay another party (the note's payee) a definite sum of money, either on demand or at a specified future date.
- Title Instructions Standard – The title summarizes your study's main idea or ideas. A good title contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately describe your research paper's content and/or purpose.
- Certificate of Non-Appearance – Non Appearance means that the respondent state would not appear before the Court in the proceedings.
- Certificate of Oath – The provisions concerning certification of transactions correspondingly apply to taking a person's oath and certification of a written statement.
- Task instruction sheet – Sheets provide logical, step-by-step procedures to accomplish something, such as safety or maintenance procedures.
- Order of appointment – the Order made by the Court which appoints and constitutes the Committee.
- Loan agreement – A loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender that regulates each party's mutual promises.
- Engagement Letter – An engagement letter is a written document defining the business relationship to be entered into by a client and a company.
- Contract – A contract is a legally enforceable agreement that creates, defines, and governs mutual rights and obligations among its parties. A contract typically involves the transfer of goods, services, money, or a promise to transfer any of those at a future date.
- Sales Quote – A sales quote allows a prospective buyer to see the costs involved in desired work. Many businesses provide services that cannot have an upfront price because the costs can vary.
- Expense Reports – An expense report contains a categorized and itemized list of expenses made on the organization's behalf. This report helps the employer or finance team determine what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is approved for reimbursement.
- Quarterly Invoice – Aquaterly invoice is an itemized list that records the products or services you provide to your customers, the total amount due, and a method for them to pay you for those items or services; that is sent every 3 months.
- Payroll Report – A payroll report is a document that employers use to verify their tax liabilities or cross-check financial data. It may include such information as pay rates, hours worked, overtime accrued, taxes withheld from wages, employer tax contributions, vacation balances, and more.
- Acceptance Letter – A letter of acceptance is one of the last steps in the job search process and is important as it confirms your acceptance of a job role with an employer, including crucial terms of employment.
- Accounting Cover Letter – An accountant cover letter is an outline of your career accomplishments as well as your educational background.
- Address Label – Labels that are used to add delivery information to items that are being delivered by post or by a courier/carrier service; address labels are most commonly used for postal items such as envelopes and small parcels/packages.
- Booking Confirmation – Booking Confirmation means the document the Carrier issued, electronically or otherwise, confirming a Booking Transaction, containing the booking reference number and a reference/link to these Terms & Conditions.
- Performance Review – A performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee's work performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, offers feedback, and sets goals for future performance.
- Asset Datasheet – A data asset may be a system or application output file, database, document, or web page. A data asset also includes a service that may be provided to access data from an application.
- Staff Bio – Staff biographies provide your customers or stakeholders with information on the background and skills of your key employees.
- Solution Proposal – Solution Proposal means the document provided by Us to You, which includes details of the Equipment You have hired, the Hire Charge, any other applicable charges, the Expected Off Hire Date, and the address for delivery of the Equipment.
- B2B total compensation sheet – Total compensation statements give employees information on the complete pay package awarded annually, including both direct and indirect compensation.
- Bank Reference – a statement from a bank saying whether a customer is likely to be able to pay back a loan, etc.: If you're taking out a lease on a property, the landlord may ask you to provide a bank reference.
- Registration Form – A registration form is a list of fields a user will input data into and submit to a company or individual. You would want a person to fill out a registration form for many reasons. Companies use registration forms to sign up customers for subscriptions, services, or other programs or plans.
- Batching Receipt – Batching receipts lets you: View the difference between your control and actual batch counts and amounts as you process your receipts. These differences can alert you to data entry errors, missing or lost receipts, or duplicate entries.
- Estimate – A business estimate is a document detailing how much you plan on charging a customer for a good or service. It breaks down costs line by line (e.g., each cost for providing drywall installation) so customers know where the total is coming from.
- Scholarship – A scholarship is a form of financial aid awarded to students to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based on various criteria, such as academic merit, diversity and inclusion, athletic skill, and financial need.
- Bid – offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.
- Meeting Minutes – Meeting minutes are notes of discussions and decisions made during meetings.
- Skills assessment – A skills assessment is an evaluation of an individual's ability to perform a specific skill or set of skills.
- Booking Request – Booking Request means the process of submitting a request to have a consultation or meeting.
- Building Information Sheet – Building Information Sheets are where all the information about environmental and architectural features, physical situation, and photographs can be found.
- Calendar (Family) – Calendar with every scheduled event and appointment outside daily work or school schedule, including after-hours work events or other social obligations.
- Calendar (Staff) – A calendar to schedule team meetings, doctor's appointments, a meeting with a client, product launch dates, and more.
- Capital Call Notice – A capital call is a process by which a fund manager asks the fund investors to contribute their pro rata portion of their fund commitments.
- Caregiver profile – A profile explaining a caregiver's expertise, education, and duties.
- Category Specs – A list of documented requirements to be satisfied by a material, design, product, or service.
- CEAP (Certified Employee Assistance Professional) Authorization – A CEAP provides support and counseling to employees and their families on various problems that may affect job performance.
- CEAP Notice of Incomplete – A notice explaining the CEAP Application is incomplete.
- Pick ticket – A pick ticket is a list that tells warehouse pickers what products to pick from and where they're stored in the warehouse.
- Certificate of participation (COP) – A certificate of participation is a type of financing where an investor purchases a share of the lease revenues of a program rather than the bond being secured by those revenues.
- Change Order – An amendment to a construction contract that changes the contractor's scope of work.
- Chart Notes – A medical note that serves as a nursing care record, including evaluation, assessment, diagnosis, planning, delivery of care to a patient, and evaluation.
- Class Awards Recap – Review of everyone that has won a class award.
- Client Event Order – Event Order is the document used to plan and outline the running of the Event, including the Event details.
- Client Information Document – A sheet to keep client information details on hand so that client interactions can run as smoothly as possible.
- Client Onboarding Success Plan – A customer success plan is a plan for new customers when they initially start using your product or service, which includes making sure they're happy with the product or service so they can continue to use it.
- Client Booking Sheet – A booking sheet is a document confirming the Client's requirements which must be signed to enter into the Contract.
- Consent Form – a form signed by a patient before a medical procedure to confirm that he or she agrees to the procedure and is aware of any risks that might be involved.
- Installation instructions – Installation Instructions means written instructions provided by the manufacturer in the installation manual, or equivalent, which accompanies each manufactured home when it leaves the factory and details the manufacturer's requirements for ground support and anchoring systems other work to be completed on-site.
- Consultation – Client consultation forms help you collect the personal information of your customers before the appointment. With a consultation form, you can decide if the client is suitable for the appointment and have enough time to prepare.
- Contract extension – Contract extension: an existing contract is continued for a period of time. Often, this will occur via the extension options in the contract. When a contract is extended, other terms might also be varied (such as pricing).
- Costs Disclosure – An estimate of the total costs, including the costs of any other law practice intended to be retained on behalf of the client.
- Creative Brief – A creative brief is a document that outlines the creative approach and deliverables for a marketing or advertising campaign.
- Crew Agreement – A crew agreement is an employment contract between a ship or yacht's owners and crew. All crew agreements must have a cover with details of the ship and its owners, an up-to-date crew list with names and dates of birth, and a list of anyone on board who is under 18 or exempt from a crew agreement.
- Project Sheet – Project Sheet is a condensed documented statement that shows the starting position of a project in terms of the key constraints such as Time, Cost, and Quality. It summarizes project work, outlines the project scope, and serves as a quick list of facts about the project.
- Activity Report – Activity reports are a form of workplace communication describing a project's progress clearly and concisely.
- Customs Document – A customs declaration is a form that lists the details of goods that are being imported or exported when a citizen or visitor enters a customs territory.
- Design Brief – A design brief is a document for a design project developed by a person or team in consultation with the client/customer. They outline the deliverables and scope of the project, including any products or works, timing, and budget.
- Purchase Order – A purchase order, or PO, is an official document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered in the future.
- Termination Letter – A termination letter from an employer to an employee contains pertinent details surrounding their termination. It is typically used as a formal notice to the employee and an official record of their termination.
- Planning file – A file plan, record plan, a records classification system, or a file index is a tool for organizing records. File plans make records easy to store, retrieve and dispose of.
- Item Schedule – Schedule of items or work means the items to be executed at the work site about work allotted to the contractor.
- Driver / Loader Booking Request – In logistics, booking is a customer's request to reserve goods, storage space, or services provided by various suppliers. It includes the agreement on transport conditions such as price, time, and liability.
- Efficient consumer response (ECR) – the use of point-of-sale data to initiate the reordering of stock from a supplier.
- Employee Paystub – paper given to an employee with each paycheck showing the amount of money that the employee earned and the amount removed for taxes, insurance costs, etc.
- Employer Reference – References are people who can talk about your work experience, work habits, character, and skills.
- Accommodation Letter – A Letter of Accommodation (LOA) is a document provided by the Office of Disability Services that explains to faculty the reasonable accommodations to be provided to a student.
- Accepted ERV – Estimated recovery value (ERV) is the projected value of an asset that can be recovered in the event of a liquidation or wind-down.
- Student File – a file containing information about each student in a school, college, etc., such as demographic information and information about grades, etc.
- Insurance Policy – the insurance policy is a contract between the insurer and the policyholder, determining the claims the insurer is legally required to pay.
- Job Card – A job card is a detailed description of work performed for a work order. When you create a job card, you specify planning and scheduling information that can be used by the Task Cards and Work Order Tracking applications.
- Deposit Statement – This is an overview of all your transactions processed for the statement period by card type, including any financial adjustments made to your deposits.
- Needs Assessment – A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions or "wants."
- Order Confirmation – This lets the customer know that their order is being processed. As soon as the order confirmation has been sent to the customer, it is legally binding – the supplier is obliged to complete the order.
- Client Budget – A client budget is the actual purchasing potential with which a client can purchase a set of two goods, provided their prices.
- Product Data Sheet – Summarizes a product's performance, technical characteristics, components, materials, and use cases.
- Course Syllabus – A course syllabus is an academic document communicating information about a specific course and explaining the rules, responsibilities, and expectations.
- Service Request – a formal request for service from an employee, customer, or vendor. These requests are necessary for initiating a pre-defined and agreed-upon service that is a normal part of service delivery.
- Speaker Profile – A speaker biography, or speaker bio, is a description of the speaker and their credentials are written in the third person. Professional speakers use their biography to introduce themselves to their audience, most often accompanied by a speaker's photo.
- Transfer Order – A transfer order is a document used for executing the movement of goods from one warehouse location to another or the goods movement from a storage unit to another within the warehouse.
- Rental Agreement – A rental agreement is a contract of rental, usually written, between the owner of a property and a renter who desires temporary possession of the property; it is distinguished from a lease, which is more typical for a fixed term.
- Tax Receipt – Tax receipts are official records representing proof of a financial transaction or purchase. They are issued in business-to-business dealings as well as stock market transactions.
- Banquet Event Order (BEO) – A Banquet Event Order is a document that outlines all the details of a wedding or event at a venue or hotel. The hotel or venue uses the BEO as its set of directions for the event.
- Production Schedule – A production schedule lists every product manufactured, including where and when it'll be made. It includes every detail, from raw materials to logistics.
- Sales Order – A sales order is a commercial document prepared by a seller and issued to a customer. It confirms the sale of goods or services and details the specifics, including the quantity, pricing, and quality of goods or services.
- Run Sheet – a run sheet is a list of procedures or events organized in temporal sequence. As it relates to television or the stage, a run sheet breaks the show into segments and lists which guests will appear when, for how long, and when breaks will take place.
- Purchase Requisition – A purchase requisition is a document that an employee within your organization creates to request a purchase of goods or services. You are not yet purchasing anything when you fill out a purchase requisition. You are merely beginning the process of purchase by asking for internal permission.
- Packing Slip – A packing slip is a document that includes the complete list of items in a package. Packing slips include SKU numbers, weights, dimensions, and the number of units used by shipping departments to determine what inventory needs to be sent out to accurately complete an order.
- Travel Itinerary – A travel itinerary is a schedule of events relating to planned travel, generally including destinations to be visited at specified times and means of transportation to move between those destinations.
- Import Delivery Order – A delivery order is a document issued by the shipper, carrier, or freight forwarder instructing the shipping line and the port operator to turn over the cargo to the party responsible for the import activities.
- Resale Product Sheet – Resale products are goods acquired by enterprises, such as wholesalers and retailers, to resell them without further processing (that is, not transformed other than by presenting them in ways that are attractive to the customer).
- Expense Approval Request – Expense report approval is the orderly process of verifying and validating an expense report through a specified approval workflow.
- Purchase Conditions – Standard Terms and Conditions often include purchasing conditions. These are rules focusing on what is expected of a supplier.
- Investment Contract – Investment contracts are legal agreements between an investor and a company that protects the investor's financial investment in the company. These contracts also provide guidance as to how the company shall provide the investor with a return on their investment.
- Packing List – A packing list itemizes the contents of each package (box, pallets, etc.). It includes weights, measurements, and detailed lists of the goods in each package.
- Rooming List – A roster of guests and their lodging needs presented to a hotel by a group before a meeting. A solid strategy for a room list starts with the hotel contract.
- Salary Sheet – A Salary Sheet is a complete list of details of the amounts payable to employees for work done during a particular period.
- Student Application Form – A Student Application is a document that the Applicant is required to complete to be eligible to be considered for enrolment at the School.
- Product Brochure – A Product Brochure is a leaflet or any other source of information published by the bank that contains a list of products offered by the bank and the corresponding product specifications.
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